Drip Brewing
Drip brewing is the most common method in the United States. It can produce a satisfying cup if properly brewed. Brewing coffee begins with using the correct amount of coffee. Start with 2.5 to 3 tablespoons of medium ground coffee per 8 ounce cup.
A medium grind is similar to the consistency of granulated sugar. The grind will determine how long water is in contact with the coffee. The finer the grind, the more time it takes the water to flow through the grounds. The goal is to adjust the grind so that the entire brew cycle takes 3 to 3 1/2 minutes. If it’s too fast, the coffee will be under-extracted, making it weak and having little aroma. If too slow, it will be over-extracted and bitter.
One of the problems with drip brewing occurs when you only need to brew 4 cups or less at a time. Most coffee machines do not get up to the proper temperature fast enough to only brew a couple of cups. If you are only making a few cups, We suggest using a French press.
The French Press
A French press or coffee press is the preferred way by many to brew a cup of coffee. It is also great when you only need to brew a few cups instead of a whole pot of coffee.
The way they work is really simple. Just put the recommended amount of ground coffee in the glass pot. This time though, use a coarse to very coarse grind (similar to very coarse sand or raw sugar).
Then pour in water that is not quite boiling (about 200 degrees) and place the lid with the push-down filter on top BUT Do Not Press Down. This will hold in the heat.
Now let the coffee steep for 4 minutes. After the brewing time is complete, slowly press down on the filter rod pushing the grounds to the bottom of the pot. Using a coarse grind makes this easier.
Once the coffee is pushed to the bottom, it is ready to serve.
Espresso is a brewing method. The espresso brewing method is a process of heated water under pressure that passes through ground espresso blended coffee.
Espresso blended coffee is what the roaster’s interpretation of how the espresso should look, taste and feel.
Look: The espresso should have a crema (micro bubbles) floating on the top. The crema should be thick & longstanding throughout the cup.
Taste: Should be sweet, chocolaty, with a touch of earthy notes and the oils should linger on your tongue for a moment or two.
Feel: Creamy with a touch of astringency.
Turkish coffee is a very flavorful, and often strong coffee. It is prepared in an ibrik, a small pot that holds either one or two servings. Traditionally, the pot was placed in the hot sands of the Mediterranean for cooking. Don't worry, you can use a gas stove.
Turkish coffee uses the finest grind you can have. Yes, finer than an expresso. The coffee becomes like a powder. On most machines, it is the finest grind possible.
To begin brewing add the sugar first. For an 8 oz. ibrik, use anywhere from 3 to 4 rounded teaspoons. You will need to decide how you like your Turkish Coffee. Some people use a packet of equal or splenda.
Next, fill your ibrik with water up to the point where the ibrik’s “neck” starts. The water should come up to, but not into, the neck.
Then, put in the coffee. In a small ibrik (4 oz.) use 2 heaping teaspoons (and we mean heaping). An 8 oz. ibrik, use 3 to 4. A 12 oz., use 6 teaspoons. The coffee grinds will float on the water. This is important, DO NOT STIR. The grinds actually act like a “seal” between the water and the air. This is important!
Heat the coffee very slowly. Some people heat it medium to high heat. MOST IMPORTANTLY DO NOT WALK AWAY! After a few minutes things will start to happen. If the water starts to boil, you did not use enough coffee. The coffee should never boil … toss and start again.
The coffee should start to foam. Boiling will happen fast however foaming will happen slowly. You should see the foam grow from around the coffee and start to fill the neck. DO NOT STOP WATCHING! The foam will start to fill the neck and work it’s way up. When it is almost to the top of the ibrik, remove the ibrik from the heat source.
Carefully stir the coffee and the foam will subside. Put the ibrik back on the heat source. It will start to foam again, this time more quickly. Again, remove from the heat source, “stir down” the foam, and replace.
Repeat a third time (some people do it a fourth time). After you remove the last time do not stir.
Next, scoop out the foam with a spoon and either 1) place it all in your cup, 2) place an even amount of foam in each cup, or 3) gently place it in the drain of your sink. Let the ibrik sit about 30 seconds so some of the grinds will settle. Then pour as much of the coffee as you want. Don’t pour out the entire pot because the bottom of the ibrik will be sludge. The grinds will settle to the bottom of your glass so you will need to be careful not to drink this.